Beautiful designer handbags are a great accessory with any outfit — they hold everything you need to carry around during the day and convey a sense of taste and refinement. But who wants to pay designer prices? Especially when you can avoid designer price tags by buying authentic pre-owned designer bags at Atlas Loan & Jewelry Co. of Bellflower, CA.
Atlas Loan & Jewelry Co. is proud to provide designer bags and handbags at consignment prices to southeast L.A. County residents from Long Beach to Downey, CA. And if you have a designer bag and need a cash loan, Atlas Loan & Jewelry Co. can get top dollar in your hands as fast as possible.
For over 60 years, Atlas Loan & Jewelry Co. has been southeast L.A. County’s reliable pawnbroker with the fairest prices and the fastest cash in your hands. Just off the 91, we provide an easy, trustworthy, convenient way to get cash quickly for your valuable items. Whether you need $10 or $100,000 for your items, Atlas Loan & Jewelry Co. is here to help.
Our most important aim is your total satisfaction, which is why we’re still trusted by locals and still here 60 years later helping people buy and pawn valuables for fair prices.
Whether you’re in the market for a vintage Birkin bag from Hermès, the classic old-world elegance of a Louis Vuitton, or the modern efforts of your favorite designer, you can find gorgeous handbags from top designers at Atlas Loan & Jewelry Co.
We evaluate each piece for provenance, as well as wear and tear, and provide cash pawn loans at a fair price. When you come in to look for designer bags, we’re able to pass those savings on to you.
Come into Atlas Loan & Jewelry Co. today, or call 562-263-7296.